
Be A Healthier, Better, More Beautiful You In 2014

Written by Rochelle Rae on January 31, 2014 2 Comments

2014 beauty resolution

We’re about a month into 2014 and hopefully sticking to the New Year resolutions we made: exercise more, stress less, eat healthier, drink in moderation and take better care of your skin. Basically, fix all the damage done to your body and mind with the excesses of the holiday season as we hopped from party to party until the wee hours of the morning, indulging on endless hors’ d’oeuvres and champagne toasts. Pair the party-going nights with cold winter days, fighting the brutal wind or wrapped up on the couch, warming yourself with calorie-laden comfort food and the last couple of months have taken a toll, leaving your skin dehydrated and dry along with dark circles under your eyes. Not even your favorite sweater can hide the damage done to your waistline.

Now it is time to de-stress, detox, nourish and beautify.

Drink it in

Everything you put in or don’t put in your body shows up on the skin. All the champagne, salty hors d’oeuvres and sweet desserts consumed over the holidays have left dry, flaky dehydrated skin in their wake. Instead of the usual snacks, opt for healthier, hydrating choices like cucumbers, celery, grapefruit and grapes. After a busy and stressful holiday season, nutrient filled fruits and vegetables provide much-needed boost.

Sweat it out

Salty foods and alcohol cause fluid retention and puffiness; the toxins must be flushed out. Exercise is the healthiest way to detox, a few minutes on the treadmill, a yoga class or even a relaxing trip to the sauna can work up a sweat, helping the body expel toxins through the pores of the skin. Not to mention, get you back into your skinny jeans by Valentine’s Day.

Scrub it off

Cold temperatures, harsh winds and blazing furnaces can cause the skin to dry out. Moisturizing is essential to glowing skin and they are much more effective when it has been properly exfoliated. I prefer something non-granular so the skin isn’t scratched. Mix in topical vitamin c with your moisturizer and use a moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid to plump and hydrate the skin, which in turn looks instantly more youthful and radiant.

concealer image

Cover it up

The late nights and parties have left their mark, the dark circles are undeniable. To hide the evidence choose a concealer that is very close to your natural skin color; you may even want to blend it with a bit of the foundation. A common mistake is choosing a concealer that is too light. To hide dark, bluish circles use a yellow-based concealer.

Rae Cosmetics has a great concealer designed to camouflage imperfections and alleviate the appearance of dark circles, blemishes and imperfections. It is highly concentrated, so little is needed for great coverage. Coconut, palm, and safflower seed oils create a non-drying formula that brightens and conditions without caking or creasing.

Throw it Away

The start of a new year it is a great time to clean out your makeup bag and start fresh. Out with the old and in with new healthy, clean products. Get rid of colors you didn’t really like, stock up on the latest trends and throw out products you have kept past their expiration date.

Most products can be kept for a fairly long time but it is extremely important to frequently throw out items like mascara which can be a breeding ground for bacteria and is the most easily contaminated. Some say lipsticks can be kept for years but since it is applied to the mouth, I don’t agree. Always, get rid of a lipstick if it has a funny smell.

lip shade imgLayer it on

Once you have achieved your detox resolution and you are glowing version of your former self. Protect your new radiant skin from all that can damage it in the New Year.  Wearing a daily facial is sunscreen important year-round, so anyone who isn’t, start now. Wear a foundation or tinted moisturizer that contain the minerals titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, the purest and most effective sun protection, blocking both UVA and UVB rays.

Don’t forget your lips, you can now find many lipsticks with SPF as well. Rae Cosmetics Lip Shade SPF 15 is beautiful sun protection for your lips, infused with protective anti-oxidants Vitamins A and E.

Add a pair of glamorous, over-sized sunglasses and 2014 can be your year in the sun. You will be back in pre-party shape in no time.

Rochelle Rae

Rochelle Rae is an award winning makeup artist and the CEO and creator of Rae Cosmetics, a cosmetics line designed specifically for women with active lifestyles. Rae’s heat, humidity and perspiration resistant design won’t crease, cake or smear while at work or play. Trusted by event planners, designers, photographers and filmmakers Rochelle has earned a reputation as one of Austin’s premier beauty entrepreneurs.

2 Responses to “Be A Healthier, Better, More Beautiful You In 2014”

  1. Joanna says:

    Perfect article, just what I needed.

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