The Most Popular Body Areas for Liposuction
Given the long history of the procedure, liposuction has been performed on almost every part of the body imaginable. While each patient is different in body type and goals, the most common body areas where liposuction is performed is listed below. Liposuction treatments are typically priced based on the number of areas being treated.
Waist – For both men and women, “love handles” can be extremely hard to get rid of even with a healthy regimen of diet and exercise. The waist area has great skin elasticity making the waist really responsive to liposuction treatment. Patients who undergo waist liposuction can expect a notable reduction in the area and decrease in waist size.
Flanks – Like the waist, the flank area also has great skin elasticity. The flank area is considered the back end of the “love handles” and resides in the lower back area above the pant line. This area is commonly done in conjunction with waist to give an even contour and smooth transition, allowing female patients to achieve the inward, hourglass curvature desired.
Hips – This area lies just below the waist toward the upper, outer area of the buttock. In most women, it gradually transitions into the waist area and it is very important to shape this area properly in order to create a rounder, more well-defined buttock as well as a “curvy” feminine silhouette.
Upper Arms – A common sign of aging is excess fat and tissue in the upper arm. Liposuction of the upper arm can tone the area; resulting in a more youthful appearance. Depending on patient specifics, liposuction may deliver many of the benefits of an arm lift without permanent scarring.
Lower Abdomen – A frequently requested area, liposuction of the abdomen (“muffin top”) can result in a tight and toned stomach. Physicians must carefully inspect the area for elasticity, however, as improper preparation can result in sagging of the skin. If the proportion of fat in the area is too large or if skin laxity is severe, the patient may be better suited for a tummy tuck.
Upper Abdomen – Typically if the lower abdomen is treated, the upper abdomen should also be treated in order for a smooth transition. The upper abdomen is the area between the belly button and the ribs.
Buttocks – Generally we recommend against liposuction of the buttocks as the procedure can result in a deflated or flat looking appearance. Instead of liposuction, we would recommend the Brazilian butt lift to create a nice buttocks shape desired by the patient.
Inner Thighs – Another common area for women, most patients have a specific goal of eliminating their inner thighs from touching when standing up straight (which gives a slim appearance to the lower body silhouette of a woman). Some women only need the upper inner thigh to be contoured while other women require treatment of the whole inner thigh to achieve their desired result.
Outer Thighs – Commonly referred to as “saddle bags”, the outer thigh is a common problem area for most women. The outer thigh plays a significant role in a woman’s silhouette, so it is extremely important to remove the right quantity of fat given the specific body traits of the individual patient. While most women are focused on reducing the fat in this area, both patients and their physicians should keep in mind that some curviness is necessary to retain a natural feminine form. Proper liposuction in this area can also compliment the curve of the buttocks.
Anterior Thighs – While usually not pinpointed by patients, contouring of the anterior thigh is necessary to complement outer or inner thigh liposuction and can also compliment the curvature of the buttocks.
Lower Legs – While liposuction in this area is possible it is often challenging as the entire lower leg needs to be reshaped to stay within proportion. Calves and ankles also have very little “deep fat” pockets, so the procedure must be done carefully to avoid creating any irregularities in appearance.
Chest – When men age they tend to experience a loss in muscle mass of the chest often resulting in a flabbier appearance. Depending on individual traits, liposuction alone can reverse the effect. However men who suffer from moderate to severe gynecomastia may require a combination of surgical excision and liposuction. For some women liposuction of the chest can provide a no-scar and minimally invasive breast lift.
Back – Often requested by patients who complain of back rolls ( or “bra rolls”), the back is a great area for liposuction as the skin in the area is thick and forgiving.
Cheeks – Liposuction can be utilized to correct overly chubby cheeks (“chipmunk cheeks”) in some individuals. However, most patients will require some form of buccal fat removal to achieve their desired results.
We provide complimentary liposuction consultations to help guide patients in determining which areas to treat in order to achieve their desired outcome.
Send me your ‘specials’ please.
Would like to have my man boobs removed
Hi Tommy, depending on your goals and desired result Gynecomastia surgery might be your best option. For more details please see our Gynecomastia page here:
You can also give us a call at 512.328.3376 to schedule a free consultation!
Can the liposuction of different areas cost more or less? For example liposuction of abdomen vs. liposuction of arms or chin?
Hi Clara, thanks for submitting your question. There can be priced differences based on different areas as some treating some body areas is more complicated and time consuming compared to other areas. However, this depends on the specific characteristics of each individual patient. The best way to get pricing for your specific needs is to get an in-person consultation!
WD Staff
Ever hear of liposuction for the calves?
Does your BMI have to be a certain percentage to have the lipo?
Hi Robinell,
Thanks for reading our post and submitting your excellent question. There is no BMI minimum or maximum required to have liposuction. That being said, individuals with higher BMI’s typically pay higher costs for lipo as their procedures are more complicated. There are, however, instances where patients with too high of a BMI are instructed to loose weight through diet or exercise before they undergo a lipo procedure. This is usually needed to produce the specific results they are after.
Overall, everyone is different. This is why an in-person consultation is needed to determine the specific treatment plan for each patients individual needs and goals.
Hope that helps!
WD Staff
this is what I have been looking for ,,for a while . I’m here in Duncanville Texas and would like a consult also all special you may have in the future. I’m totally interested in abdominal, back, waist . Thank you!
Hi Sonya,
Thanks so much for reading our post and for your interest. I can have someone contact you via email to get a consult setup!
WD Staff
What is the least BMI necessary for liposuction? I would like inner thighs, outer thighs and lower abdomen done. Of course I understand I would get a consult to find out what is best for me based on my ultimate goal.
Hi Anita,
Thanks for reading our post and submitting this great question! Generally a BMI of 30 or less makes you a good candidate for liposuction. However, it is possible to qualify for the procedure with a higher BMI, that depends on specific characteristics of both patient and procedure needed (which can be determined during an in-person consultation).
If the patient is in the middle of any sort of weight loss journey, we do recommend the procedure after they meet (and maintain) their desired “goal” weight. Doing so helps ensure they get the most out of the procedure, since maintaining post-procedure weight is helpful for maintaining lipo results. You can read more about that here:
We hope that helps!
WD Staff